The Person You Want to Attract

The people who you are attracted to are those who possess are great qualities— whether that is intelligence, ambition, generosity, kindness or a loving, affectionate, romantic nature — the list is endless. But for you, to be able to attract high value/quality people, you must possess good, attractive qualities too. Attraction must be mutual. So if you want to attract someone with those very qualities, you must be that yourself.

Attractive  people with good characters and traits have choices, everyone is attracted to them, which makes it seems as if it is impossible to find someone great. But luckily, these people are also seeking people with great qualities. People want to be with someone who will help them grow and become the best versions of themselves.

When you are busy working on yourself, on being and becoming your best self, without the need or desperation to be in a relationship, you will be at your best and attract people into your life.

You don’t need someone else to give you permission or a reason to feel happy, they only add to your existing happiness from other areas of your life (career, passions, other relationships and personal development) and become a part of it.

So the moral of the story is quite simply, work on yourself and don’t worry about attracting someone. Paradoxically, the less you focus on attracting someone and the more you focus on becoming your best self, the more likely you’ll be to attract someone. And this someone will possess great qualities, and also be striving towards becoming the best versions of themselves.

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